King of Kanniedood


28 April 2014, Shingwedzi Rest Camp, Kruger National Park

We’ve just arrived back at camp after a fantastic morning drive along the Kanniedood Dam and Shingwedzi River.

Apart from the beautiful scenery and tranquil atmosphere, we enjoyed numerous good sightings of elephants, zebras, waterbuck, impala, baboons, monkeys, lots of crocodiles and hippos, two satiated hyenas, a myriad of bird species and this magnificent male lion.

Kanniedood 28 Apr 2014

24 thoughts on “King of Kanniedood

  1. mjculverphotography

    The king on the prowl while mama takes care of finding him dinner? Lovely shot Dries (I’m playing catchup because my wrist has been slow in recovering and typing is more painful than riding the Harley. My story and I’m sticking to it 😉 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      We’re indeed fortunate to live in a country where sights like these are still possible, and to live in an age where technology makes it so easy to share it with nature-loving people all over the world, like you Linda! Thanks for the support!


  2. jamespage358

    Looking forward to getting back to the Kruger National Park. That’ll only be in November when we will be doing the whole of the southern section of the park from Ngwenya. Thinking of extending the week to include the area from Satara down. We’ll have to plan another trip to include the northern sections. I agree that Shingwedzi and the area around Kanniedood Dam are some of the best spots in the park but then there are very few ‘bad’ spots



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