Pearl-spotted Emperor Butterfly

Charaxes jahlusa

The Pearl-spotted Emperor is a common butterfly living in various savanna-type habitats, occurring in this country from the Little Karoo and Albany thicket through much of the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu-Natal and into the northern provinces of North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. In the southern parts of their local range adults are seen only in spring and summer, but they’re on the wing year round further north. Beyond our borders this butterfly occurs as far north as Sudan.

Male Pearl-spotted Emperors are territorial and perch on open twigs from which they attack interloping males and try to woo the females for mating. They’re fast flyers and adults of both sexes frequent seeping tree sap and rotting fruit rich in sugars. Caterpillars of the Pearl-spotted Emperor Butterfly feed on the leaves of the Jacket Plum and Zebra Wood. Wingspan in adults measure up to 6cm, making this one of the smaller Emperor Butterfly species.

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