Summer Lovin’

The midday heat of a Lowveld summer can get exceedingly oppressive. If you can muster the courage to keep yourself out of the swimming pool and head to a waterhole, you may just be lucky enough to enjoy the antics of a herd of elephant playing around in the refreshing water. These shots were taken at the Klopperfontein Dam, near Punda Maria in the Kruger National Park.

Summer Lovin‘” is the theme for this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge

61 thoughts on “Summer Lovin’

  1. Pingback: Love is in the air | Words & Pics

  2. Mabel Kwong

    Stunning shots of the elephants. The water ain’t that deep and I love how the elephants are giving each other room to cool off. Glad you kept a distance too…you don’t want an angry elephant rushing at you. Or maybe they were nice elephants 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Let’s just say I wouldn’t have tried to jump in among them Mabel 😀 . They seemed to be having a pretty pleasant time without us crashing their party.


      1. Mabel Kwong

        LOL. You are very considerate. If I were you, I’d probably at least dip my toe into that river to have a feel of the water in Africa…away from the elephants of course 😀 But I am sure they will notice and come charging towards me.

        Hope you had a good time.


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’ | Stories of The Wandering Feet & Mind

  4. galeweithers

    I think these shots were more than worth the effort of going down to the waterhole. I can’t begin to imagine seeing this scene live and in color with my own two eyes; must have been awesome. Thanks for sharing – in spite of the oppresive midday heat of a Lowveld summer 🙂


    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Every minute we get to spend out in the wild places of South Africa is absolutely worth it, there’s just so much to enjoy and appreciate out there. Thanks for the very kind contribution Gale!


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’ | Pilot Fish

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: SUMMER LOVIN’ | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Summer-Lovin | WoollyMuses

  8. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’ | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Baie dankie vir die wonderlike pluimpie, Rondomtaliedraai!

      Helaas, daar is nie n de Wets Wild boek nie, maar dit is iets wat ons graag sal wil aanpak. Miskien n gids oor die plekke waarvoor ons so lief is, met n paar OKerige fotos om mense te oortuig dis die moeite werd om self daarheen te gaan. As ons net die bal aan die rol kon kry!


    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Couldn’t agree with you more Lobke Malfait!
      Here’s hoping that it is a privilege we and those that come after us will be able to enjoy for an eternity to come!


    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Thank you so much Janet! This was a easy challenge, but sometimes we have to dig reaaaallly hard to find something that fits, and even then almost have to beat it into place with a shovel. We’re glad to hear that we’ve not disappointed you yet, that would be a terrible downer.

      Thanks for the support, and a fantastic weekend to you as well!


    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      That’s exactly the idea you get watching them Jaime, they genuinely seem to be enjoying themselves and you almost expect the childish whining to start once they have to get out!



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