Join us on a night drive at Lower Sabie

During the hours of darkness visitors to the Kruger National Park are not permitted to drive themselves around the reserve, both for their own safety and that of the Park’s wildlife. Nighttime in wild Africa is a fascinating time, however, with nocturnal creatures roaming the dark, and for this reason the Park offers visitors night drives of two to three hours in duration and under the guidance of skilled guides, with spotlights being used to seek out animals and birds that might otherwise be hard to see during daylight. We undertook one such excursion from Lower Sabie Rest Camp during our visit to the Kruger Park last week.

With Joubert and his friend Erlo manning the cameras I could take a few video snippets of our drive. Hop on and come along!

Remember that DeWetsWild can also assist you with bookings for guided activities, like night drives, in the Kruger National Park when you make use of our reservation services for your holiday accommodation.

7 thoughts on “Join us on a night drive at Lower Sabie

  1. wetanddustyroads

    Ag, maar dit was nou lekker om saam met julle die Kruger in die nag te sien. Dit lyk nie of die diere te veel gepla is met die flitsligte nie (ek sien hier bo in die kommentaar jy noem dis nie so skerp nie) … inteendeel, daardie leeu lyk baie vaak, gee sulke lang gape 😉.


    1. DeWetsWild Post author

      Die ligte is gelukkig nie so skerp soos wat dit voorkom op die video nie, Ineke – die kamera maak dit ligter lyk. Meeste van die diere het hulle byna glad nie aan die ligte gesteur anders as om hul oe te knip nie; net die een olifant was geirriteerd maar dit kon ook om ander redes wees.



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