Barberton Girdled Lizard

Smaug barbertonensis

A shy denizen of well-shaded, bouldered hills and mountains with plentiful crags and fissures, the diurnal Barberton Girdled Lizard feeds on invertebrates, frogs and small geckos. Excluding their tails, adults can measure up to 13cm in length. Females give birth to 2-6 babies in late summer. Considered by some authorities to be a subspecies of Warren’s Girdled Lizard (S. warreni), the Barberton Girdled Lizard has a very limited distribution around the borders of South Africa’s southern Mpumalanga and northern Kwazulu-Natal Provinces with eastern Swaziland, and is considered to be of least concern by the IUCN. Ntshondwe Camp in Ithala Game Reserve is a very reliable spot to search for these attractive lizards.

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