Fiscal Flycatcher

Melaenornis silens

Fiscal Flycatchers inhabit open woodland, grasslands with scattered trees, scrubland, thickets, plantations, parks and gardens where they feed on insects, berries and nectar. Adults are about 18cm long and weigh around 26g.

Fiscal Flycathers are monogamous. The females are responsible for building the sturdy cup-shaped grass-nests lined with softer material, most often in thorn trees. The breeding season in this species stretches from late winter to the end of summer, reaching a peak from October to December. The female alone incubates the clutch of 2-4 eggs for a period of two weeks and is fed by the male during this time. The male however doesn’t take much of an interest in the chicks, and the female alone feeds them until they leave the nest about two weeks after hatching.

Thanks to a large and stable population, and no obvious threats, the IUCN lists the Fiscal Flycatcher as being of Least Concern. They are found only in South Africa, Lesotho and marginally into Botswana. Mozambique and Swaziland. There does appear to be a seasonal dimension to their occurrence, being more common in the warmer, lower-lying areas during the cold of winter.

21 thoughts on “Fiscal Flycatcher

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      So kind of you, thank you very much! Truth be told it took a few years to put together even this small collection of images, and a professional photographer would probably grimace in anguish at having to look at them, but as long as we can show off our country’s natural beauty we are happy!


    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Die tweetjies kan mens maklik uitvang, en selfs hierdie stel fotos moes ek omtrent met n fynekam deurgaan om seker te maak ek maak nie n blaps nie!

      Jy ken ons al te goed, Dina. Ja, ons klein sitkamer is n warboel van goed wat regstaan om gepak te word! Ek is so opgewonde oor ons trippie soos n kind 2 dae voor Vader Krismis kom!

      Liked by 1 person


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