World Rhino Day

Today is World Rhino Day.

The statistics on the number of rhinos being killed in South Africa for their horn continues to make for heart-wrenching reading. We continue to loose hundreds of black and white rhinos annually to supply an illegal black market demand from Asian countries.

But the war continues. The brave rangers working daily to protect our natural heritage have not yet given up hope, and neither should we. We’ll continue to do our part to spread the word that rhino horn has no medicinal properties, and by rights should really not be worth any more than fingernails!

Let us celebrate these prehistoric-looking beasts for the magnificent beings that they are, deserving of a place on this planet for eternity.


13 thoughts on “World Rhino Day

  1. John

    Incredibly good photos you’ve taken! 🙂 So big horns as the rhino on the last picture have, I have never seen before. Yes, it is a shame that Asians, most Japanese people, I understand, do not know better than that rhinos horn is made of the same materials as our nails. There are viagra …

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