
Nature has sculpted a whole bunch of unusual rock formations – on both a large and small scale – from the sedimentary sandstone here at Golden Gate Highlands National Park in South Africa.

(you can click on the images to see them enlarged in a gallery)

We’re participating in the online adventure travel magazine LetsBeWild.com‘s Wild Weekly Photo Challenge for bloggers. This week’s challenge is “Unusual“.

7 thoughts on “Unusual

  1. Pingback: Golden Gate Highlands National Park – December 2012 « de Wets Wild

  2. mjculverphotography

    Hi there,

    So nice to see the rock formations again. Florida has no natural stone at all so I’ve been missing out on that. In fact it’s the strangest thing, in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) you couldn’t dig without hitting rock. Here, you’re lucky if you find any at all. Your images bring back happy memories of days spent rock climbing as a child and growing up. Lovely. Both of us always enjoy your posts, they give me the chance to show Marks areas that I saw in my youth. Have a great evening.

    Marks and Joey



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