Tag Archives: Barn Swallow

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

Barn Swallows are amongst the best known birds in the world, occurring on all the continents (except Antarctica) for at least part of the year. They breed in the northern hemisphere and migrate to the southern continents during the northern winter, covering distances of up to 11,500km between their breeding grounds and non-breeding abodes. Locally they arrive from late September and depart again by April and can be seen in basically every corner of the country during that time. The IUCN estimates that there’s at least 290-million Barn Swallows in the world and lists the species as being of least concern.

in South Africa Barn Swallows can be found in any habitat though they reach their highest densities in areas of higher rainfall. They feed mainly on insects caught on the wing. Barn Swallows are highly gregarious and usually roost in reed beds – some of these have been in use for decades and may host up to 3 million birds! Barn Swallows measure about 14cm in length and weigh around 20g.