Gospel on Safari: Sua Pan

Early in June I had the enormous privilege of spending 9 days at and around Elephant Sands Lodge, located near Nata in north-eastern Botswana, participating in Gospel on Safari where I and eleven other believers spent time with our Creator and His Word in the most amazingly unspoiled natural surroundings. Without a question it was one of the most impactful experiences of my life and I am immensely grateful for and humbled by all that was revealed to us, both physically and spiritually.

One of our nights was spent sleeping out in the open under the stars on the enormously empty expanse of Sua (sometimes spelt Sowa) Pan. The next day we explored more of the pan and its surroundings, making it as far as Kubu Island, a rocky outcrop covered by baobab trees and surrounded by a sea of salty emptiness.

One of the biggest highlights of the trip was an encounter with an enigmatic animal that I’ve longed to see my whole life. More about that soon!

2 thoughts on “Gospel on Safari: Sua Pan

  1. Aletta - nowathome

    Die foto’s is ongelooflik mooi Dries! Ek en my man het lank gelede saam net ‘n groep skool kinders so onder die sterre geslaap daar naby die Kruger wildtuin. Dit was seker wen van my mees ongelooflikste ondervinding ooit. Het nie vreeslik baie geslaap nie😃



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