Back from the Wilderness – for now

I’ve just returned from the most amazing two weeks in neighbouring Botswana, which included a day spent across the border at the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. There are thousands of images to go through and lots of stories to tell, and I’ve just made a quick selection here. There’s still two more trips to the bush in the rest of this month; please bear with me if I am a bit slow in responding to your kind comments!



20 thoughts on “Back from the Wilderness – for now


        Beslis waar. Ek het juis ‘n stuk op TV gekyk oor die olifante wat die Zambesie oor trek om by kos uit te kom. Dit was die tyd toe die Vic valle kan mens sê droog was. Die eerste keer wat ek Zim toe was was dit ook droog terwyl in 2010 was die valle tot oorlopenstoe vol gewees wat ‘n belewenis was op sy eie.


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