Spectacled Weaver

Ploceus ocularis

Looking very much like a masked bandit, the Spectacled Weaver is a species preferring moist, dense habitats ranging from riverine forests to forest edges and occasionally well-wooded parks and gardens. They are omnivores, feeding on insects, seeds, fruit and nectar.

Although they are not very social with birds of their own species, only ever being seen either in pairs or small family groups, Spectacled Weavers often join foraging groups of other birds. Contrary to most other weavers, Spectacled Weavers form monogamous pairs, possibly for life. The male weaves the characteristic nest with a long downward-facing entrance tunnel, most often hanging from the tip of a branch over water. They breed during spring and summer, raising clutches of up to 4 chicks that hatch after a two week incubation. The chicks leave the nest at about two weeks old and become independent around a month after hatching. Adults are about 15cm long and weigh around 30g.

According to the IUCN, Spectacled Weavers are considered to be of least concern. They have a very patchy distribution over east, central and southern Africa. In South Africa they occur in a band along our eastern borders and adjacent regions from the coastal Eastern Cape to the Limpopo Valley.


20 thoughts on “Spectacled Weaver

  1. photobyjohnbo

    Somehow this post reminded me of a song >grin<:
    Yellow bird, up high in banana tree
    Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me
    Did your lady friend leave your nest again?
    That is very sad, makes me feel so bad
    You can fly away, in the sky away
    You're more lucky than me

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anne

    A pair of Spectacled Weavers have been making more regular forays into our garden over the past three years. I would love to find their nest site. The only nest I have seen clearly has been in Addo. They are very attractive birds.

    Liked by 1 person


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