Jester the Harris Hawk

Jester is a Harris’s Hawk, a species native to the Americas. He’s found his way to the Dullstroom Bird of Prey and Rehabilitation Centre after being donated to it by a falconer. Being imprinted on humans and not being native to South Africa, he can never be released into the wild. Jester is an amazingly agile flier and very intelligent – traits that make his species formidable hunters in the wild.

As a registered NGO receiving no government support, the Dullstroom Bird of Prey and Rehabilitation Centre relies heavily on donors, sponsors and the visiting public to fund their very important work. Their tiny staff compliment is responsible for the rehabilitation of between 80 and 200 birds of prey every year, all of them injured by or negatively impacted in another way by humans, and then releasing them back into the wild when they’ve recovered sufficiently. If you can’t visit them in person, please visit their website and, if you are able to, assist them in their efforts by making a donation (monetary or in kind).

20 thoughts on “Jester the Harris Hawk

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      I’ve seen their amazing hunting skills and co-operative techniques on one or two wildlife documentaries, Janet, and would love to see it for myself in the wild. Do they occur in Arizona?


  1. H.J. for avian101

    What a good looking bird. They are trained to hunt and you can see the way he maneuver in flight, showing all the tricks to get its prey. Good shots, D. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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