Satara Summer – Day 21 (2019/12/25)

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you celebrated the special day in peace and harmony with those dearest to you.

Here at Satara in the Kruger National Park the thunderous roaring of lion heralded Christmas Day from just after midnight. By the time the gates opened at 04:30 there was no sign of the big cats, but when darkness fell this evening the roaring started up again, so they were well hidden somewhere close by all day. Here’s some of the presents Kruger gave us today:


18 thoughts on “Satara Summer – Day 21 (2019/12/25)

      1. de Wets Wild Post author

        I am so sorry to hear that, Tracy. Being in the bush our internet connection is atrocious and I haven’t been able to catch up with the blogs I am following. Are you OK?


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