Rainforest Brown

Cassionympha cassius

The Rainforest Brown butterfly occurs in forests, wooded ravines and thick bush, flying low along thickly vegetated margins and paths and settling often. They’re endemic to Swaziland and South Africa and occur commonly along the southern and eastern coastline and adjacent interior as far inland as the escarpment and the Lowveld of Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces.

Larvae feed on grasses of the Juncus and Pentaschistis genuses. Adults are seen between September and May and have a wingspan of 3-4cm. The Rainforest Brown is listed as being of least concern in the South African Red Data Book.

29 thoughts on “Rainforest Brown

      1. de Wets Wild Post author

        Along with the showy colours that one’s also a fast, agile flier – proving your point about making yourself a target perfectly!
        Our post about the Yellow Pansy is scheduled for the 29th of May.

        Liked by 1 person

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