Rule of thirds

Joubert and his grandpa heading for the swimming pool at Glen Reenen, in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds” is the theme for this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge.

Basically, the Rule of Thirds asks you to imagine a tic-tac-toe grid over the thing you’re photographing, and suggests that you put your subject at one of the four spots where the lines intersect

41 thoughts on “Rule of thirds

  1. Pingback: Up and into the Echo Ravine | de Wets Wild

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      This is just one photo from a whole sequence of photos I took of Joubert and Oupa Piet, without them knowing. I know for granddad they’re very precious and I’m sure Joubert will treasure them just as much one day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. perdebytjie

    Dis ‘n kosbare foto.Ek sien albei se arms en bene swaai op dieselfde tyd.Is dit so beplan of is dit toevallig?Dit gee die foto ‘n rustige simmetrie.


    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Was net gelukkig dat dit so uitgewerk het Dina, ek’t die foto van omtrent 200m agter hulle afgeneem. Ons is regtig sentimenteel oor familie, ek is seker die foto sal vir Joubert nog baie wonderlike herinneringe oproep eendag oor lekker tye saam met sy Oupa

      Liked by 1 person


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