Cover Art

One day, some day, we hope this will become a reality 😉

Cover Art” is this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge theme

53 thoughts on “Cover Art

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo challenge – Cover Art | Endless Skys

    1. aj vosse

      Hier’s nog ‘n ding… ek het nog alteid die iedee gehad vir my eerste boek se omslag, ‘n Cessna 172 laag bo die boomtoppe in die son-op… nou daar’s nog ‘n voorblad foto vir julle om to soek!! Dankie!! 😉


      1. de Wets Wild Post author

        Jy moet kyk of jy die dokumentere reeks “Bush Pilots” daar kan opspoor AJ, dit gaan oor n klompie jongmense wat tussen die lodges in Botswana vlieg – jy sal baie sulke “scenes” daarin sien!


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Cover Art for A Foodie Autobiography | Pilot Fish

  3. Pingback: Cover Art #dpchallenge #photography | Moondustwriter's Blog

      1. rondomtaliedraai

        Mens jy maak my benoud… so sabbatsverlof is net vir ryk mense… netnou moet ek help betaal. Julle het reeds ongelooflike mooi foto’s dat julle moeilik sal kan kies. Jy moet ‘n oulike slim uitgewer kry?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. de Wets Wild Post author

        My eerste onderhoudsversoek is al klaar in die pos Tina! Maar ek dink die PK staak nog, so jy het tyd om bymekaar te maak 😉

        Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning, regtig. Ek stem saam, met n goeie uitgewer se raad en bystand, kry ons dalk net die ding gedoen!


  4. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Cover Art | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

      1. matthias1982

        haha – I think that my photographs are not good enough for a real wildlife illustrated book… but funny enough, I always thought about doing a good wildlife guide of Kruger National Park in German… but for that I would have to travel there once again… 🙂 and I really don’t want to compete with you – I think it will be much better if your write that book with your experience!! so once again: do it!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. de Wets Wild Post author

        Thanks Matthias, again 😉

        Interestingly, the German market is our biggest international source of visitors to the national park system, so you’d definitely have a market for your German guide to Kruger!


  5. Just Another Nature Enthusiast

    Oh yes! You have so many magnificent photos to showcase!!!
    The photo selections create a welcoming entrance to the park book’s cover.
    I suggest exploring different font styles/placement.. I would like the print to be crisper and easier to read at a glance.Yellow is not easily read. When using color fonts, look into which colors might pose problems for folks who are color-blind… I think yellow may be one in the range that causes difficulty… but don’t quote me on that.
    I hope you will publish a book someday… it will be stunning ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. de Wets Wild Post author

      Thanks for the thoughtful and encouraging contribution Jane!

      Funny you should mention the colour-blindness thing; had I not been a “sufferer” I might have chosen a different colour all together. Better to leave that to the experts when the day does come 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. perdebytjie

    Dit is pragtig en ek hoop dit gebeur gou.Ek werk al jare aan ‘n boek oor Namibie,maar ek kry ook nie klaar nie!Te veel afleiding op ander plekke.



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